How Event Pros Can Manage Stress With Emotional Intelligence

How Event Pros Can Manage Stress With Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a critical characteristic of event professionals who are stress-resilient, adaptable, and in control of any situation.

Imagine that you have taken time off your busy schedule and you are having a relaxed day indoors. Your attire is aligned with the mood of the day when suddenly, the doorbell rings. You were not expecting anyone, and your composure is immediately thrown off. In the epicenter of your brain, the neurons, the designated workers that help you function, had taken the day off as well. At the sound of the door, they rush to get into emergency gear and to their positions. Their goal is to eventually get you to settle down and enjoy your time off, but for now, they need to prepare you for fight or flight. Will you respond to the doorbell, or will you ignore it?

Stress Vs. Equilibrium

Your body is always at work to maintain homeostasis. This means that it works to maintain a relatively stable environment. In the presence of a stressor or stimulus, a sensor is triggered that in turn triggers a control then effector through a negative feedback loop and that restores the equilibrium in the body. In other words, your body returns to its normal function. 

Preparing to meet a client for the first time, adjusting a last-minute timeline change, missing a deadline on an event task, or dealing with an employee no-show, is among many short-term stressors that are good for us for the most part. These stressors apply just the right pressure to get us to work hard enough to produce good results. 

The stress does not last long, and the reward is the positive boost that we need. Inside your brain, neurons have been signaled “on your marks, get set, and go!” Cortisol is released into your blood from the adrenal glands into the kidneys and transported all over your body. Your body is fuelled up. That is the rush you feel after engaging in a semi-stressful event.

Dealing With Long-Term Stress

When the stressors persist for longer durations, our bodies may struggle to regain the normality it is used to independently. This is evident through headaches, body aches, and unremitting tiredness. It is a cause for concern. The body needs help from external forces to bring it back to its equilibrium; otherwise, it will crash and need a factory reset. 

This may look like getting a vitamin shot, bed rest, and in worse case scenarios, hospitalization. The code will need to be amended, and it may take a while to regain normality. 

Our individuality is seen in how we uniquely respond to stressors. Some people get distraught over things other people would overlook. This is not to say that the stressor is insignificant to them, but they have mastered the art of adaptability. They may have overcome even greater stressors than the one presented to them. They have acquired the resistance to persist. Practice and understanding our responses help us shape ourselves better. It is the ideal partnership with our negative feedback loop to go back to normal.

Related: The Physiology of Stress During Event Planning

Emotional Intelligence And Stress

Studies suggest a strong link between emotional intelligence and an individual’s adaptation to stress. It is believed that the higher your emotional intelligence skills are, the more adaptable you are to stressors and have success in relating with the people around you. 

Daniel Goleman, a prominent American psychologist, defines emotional intelligence as the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of the people around you. He explains it perfectly by saying people with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they are feeling, what their emotions mean, and how they affect other people. In the game of feeling, you are to always remember your responsibility to those around you. There are 5 key elements to emotional intelligence:


It is the conscious knowledge of one’s character and feelings. You are mindful of the stressors around you and their effect on you, and what normality is (to you). You know what disturbs your peace.


More than grasping your emotions, you have control over them. When triggers arise, you can navigate past the short fuse and set your negative feedback loop into motion without breaking anything. You can refrain from gratifying your immediate emotions for the greater good. You see the bigger picture.


Action leads to motivation. Motivation fuels action. In some instances, you may not feel like doing something, but when you are midway through it, you realize it was not a bad idea, to begin with. 

Motivation and optimism are great companions. They have a mutually beneficial relationship that is goal-oriented. That is why great leaders are known for their exceptional ability to remain sanguine and to motivate themselves. Although the surrounding circumstances may appear demotivating, their forward-looking outlook on life propels them.


Simply put, it is the means to put yourself in another’s shoes. To see it from another’s perspective. It is in situations when certain stressors affect clients more than us that our empathy gauge is tested. 

Can we show sympathy even when we have the long end of the stick? 

The principle of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you is closely related to empathy. It is critical to emotionally sound individuals and communities.

Social Skills

Being emotionally sound sharpens our social skills. While we acquire emotional intelligence primarily for ourselves, there is an overlapping responsibility to tread carefully and not infringe on the rights of those around us. We go hard for our passions, and we simultaneously remember that there is the community to build. Social Skills are creating the right balance – just the right amount of self to the proportion of others.

Emotional Intelligence In Stressful Situations

While it begins physiologically, there is a psychology to consider in the mix. In today’s terminology, we emphasize the need to keep our peace. If you choose to respond to the doorbell, then you may have to tone down the irritability on your face and in your voice. Responding haphazardly to the stressor may stand in the way of modeling ourselves in the right way. Yes, it matters to express ourselves but cordially with the notion of responsibility rested on our shoulders.

Related: The ABCs of Building Client Relationships During Times Of Change

One of the best ways to manage stress is to increase your sense of control over events. ThymeBase’s event planning software gives you oversight across all your events, to-dos, and timelines.